Must have a diploma and certificate to teach each course, have completed at least 12 credits of related courses from a graduated seminary, have teaching experience at a seminary, and have a passion for pure Christian character education.
President & Academic Dean: Rev. Dr. Diego Hak Kim
Director of Administration (Administrative Dean): Rev. Emmanuel Charles
Dr. Timothy Cho (Historical Theology/New Testament) /
Dr. Diego Hak Kim (Hermeneutics/Systematic Theology) /
Emmanuel Charles (Biblical Theology/Homiletics) /
Elysee Thelemaque (Old Testament) /
David Won (Ethics) /
Paul Hong (Biblical Theology) /
Sun Ju (Christian Ethics) /
Dr. Jaesung Cha (Systematic Theology)/
Dr. YongKol Yi (Missiology, Pastoral Training)/
Gyusik Jung (Biblical Theology)